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What Is an Essential Oil?

Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquids distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds.

The chemistry of essential oils is very complex: each one may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds. Moreover, essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs. The distillation process is what makes essential oils so concentrated. It often requires an entire plant or more to produce a single drop of distilled essential oil.

Essential oils are also different from vegetable oils such as corn oil, peanut oil, and olive oil. They are not greasy and do not clog the pores like many vegetable oils can. Vegetable oils can become oxidized and rancid over time and are not antibacterial. Most essential oils, on the other hand, cannot go rancid and are powerful antimicrobials. Pressed oils and
essential oils high in plant waxes such as patchouli, if not distilled properly, could go rancid after time, particularly if exposed to heat for extended periods of time.

Essential oils have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 BC. (Click here history of essential oils!) From perfumes and aromatherapy to cooking and medicinal purposes, essential oils have been used in everyday life for centuries.

In modern days, research shows that pure and authentic essential oils can provide similar benefits to humans and animals that they give to plants. Many essential oils have broad-spectrum antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects due to their complex chemistry which makes them ideal for killing and preventing the spread of bacteria since microorganisms have a difficult time mutating in the presence of so many different antiseptic compounds. For example, thyme oil was shown to exert powerful antimicrobial effects against 25 different types of bacteria (Dean and Ritchie, 1987). Check out www.pubmed.gov and search “essential oils” to see a whole host of positive research being done with authentic essential oils.

The Young Living Standard

Many oils, touted as essential oils, are derived with harsh chemicals, diluted, or copied and produced in a lab. Cheap copies bring cheap results and have the potential to be toxic. If you aren’t able to take it internally should you be applying it topically? This is imperative because whatever you apply to the skin is absorbed into your blood stream. (This is the same concept as how the birth control patch or Nicotine patch work by applying topically.)
Therefore, it’s important to choose high-quality authentic essential oils.

Young Living offers 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oils, essential oil blends, and oil-enhanced products. These essential oils retain Nature’s blueprint of the beneficial, natural chemical components that are originally found in the plant itself which give the variety of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-tumoral properties and more! At Young Living, in-house and independent laboratory testing shows that Young Living essential oils EXCEED industry standards and are the only essential oils FDA-approved for internal consumption!

If you would like to learn more about how Young Living Essential Oils may bring enhanced health and wellness click on the link and request my Newsletter or leave me a message with your contact information.

This information is purely for educational purposes. It is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any illness.

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